Monday, January 28, 2013

14, 15 + 16 months

at 15 months you were 24lbs 12 oz and 32" in height
you have 8 teeth and 2 more coming out
you say:
cars, che che (cars in chinese), meo meo (cat in chinese), dada (all the time), mama ( not so much), trucks, tow trucks, tractors, bus, wehoo wehoo (fire truck sound), animals, upstairs, bye bye, belly button, mut mut (socks in chinese), hat, boots, bunny, pots, hot, more, juice, nai nai ( milk in chinese), choo choo (trains), crack (cracker)
you eat:
just about everything if you are in the mood for it. you love to snack..... gold fish, pretzels, crackers, fruits, bread sticks, rice crackers....
breakfast:  one banana + one egg omelet with cheese.  sometimes waffle with jam or oatmeal with jam. sometimes shredded wheat with milk.
you sleep:
night sleep : 7:30pm - 5:30, 6 am  
nap: 1-3  
you only nap well in a playpen and not in your room.  we don't know why, but we bought a playpen, and it was the best $50 we ever spent.
daddy puts you to sleep now.... you usually go down without a fight. 
your sleep routine:  sleep sac, bunny, kiss mommy, close door, sound machine, lights, put in crib and daddy walks out.
you sleep best away from home. 

you love:
watching garbage trucks on you tube
playing on the ipad
sticking animals in toy cars and trucks
pots and pans
books with cars, trucks and tractors
dancing to the record player
to pretend to floss your teeth

you do:
all the gesture to the song "when you are happy and you know it" and "wheels on the bus"
go up and down the stairs with our help
you and down the small slide yourself
climb up and down the climber
imitate the sound of a monkey

you have also had 3 ear infections, a few colds, a few fevers and woke up once with a bloody nose.

happy sweet 16 ( months) kiddo.

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